My Amazing Fun Holiday

Namaste and welcome Bloggers,

During the holidays my family and I went to the movies and watched Red,White and brass. When it was the day to watch the movie, we changed into our nice clothes and then we waited at home for a little bit. If we went too early we would have to wait for a long time cause the movie started at 8 o’clock. At the movies there was an arcade. My brother, me and my cousin went to go play while waiting for the movie to start. When it was 8’o’clock, we went to go buy our popcorn to eat while watching the movie. We went inside the movie theatre and watched the ads while waiting for the movie to start. After a while of waiting for the movie to play, my mum and dad came with my baby brother to watch the movie. The movie was really quiet, my baby brother was screaming so my mum had to take him out. After the movie, we left and my brother, my aunt and I raced to the car but we came in separate cars. When we left the movies, we went to go get MacDonald and then we went home!