Tag: Film Festival]

Film Festival

Malo Bloggers,

Last term all the seniors from HayPark did film festival. We got to pick a buddy then the teachers put us in groups, my group was Renesmee, Khadeeja, Farangis, Eliezer and Riyad.


 The thing that went really well in my group was we got along. What didn’t go well was some people weren’t listening and some were.


My highlight of the experience was that we all worked really hard to get our film done.


My favourite part of the film was the end of our film.


One thing I would change would be to redo the start of the film.


Have you made a film before? Click here to see our blurb!

Here is our poster we made!

Film Festvial.

Malo E lelei,

For Film Festival my group is doing a play role about a girl getting lost at school (Who is my friend Renesmee) And the teacher is me, also the other students are just the other people that are in my group which is Eliezer, Riyad, Farangis and Khadeeja they play other characters but their student role play in more important then their other one’s. Our next shot of our film is the girl that is lost in the bush walk, we are going to film her walking more into the forest which is our bush walk in our school. The characters names are, for Eliezer Kobe, for Riyad Noah, for Khadeeja Athena, for Farangis Hadah, Renesmee Nora and my name as the teacher is Mrs C. The first film we did was in the library, we use the library as our classroom if you didn’t know that. That’s all I got to share for today hope you liked my blog post feel free to comment!

Here are some photos.