Namaste bloggers,

In week 5, room 9 went to a dance lesson with Milli but it was our last lesson.

Before we got started we got told to take off our shoes and socks incase we slip or hurt ourselves. We had to get in a big circle to do some stretches, Milli was playing a song and showing us what to do. We did diffrent type of stretches like moving our shoulders round and round in a circle and many more. Next we had to go to the back of the hall and line up, Milli told us to do side skips, normal skiping and many more we also got to do a freestyle walk. Then we had to buddy up with someone to do a dance, but not a normal dance your buddy had to do a dance move and you had to copy, its called the miror game.

To learn the dance Milli was on the stage teaching us some moves to go with the song Levitating. Once we got all the moves we all had a go with our buddy and then we got put into groups. After we all had a turn at the dance with all the moves we got to take a photo with Milli. We all had so much fun with Milli, she is a kind, pretty lady who teached us. I still kind of remember the dance but I hope I see her again!